精彩内容: 乌鸦可以在绳长容许的范围内四处跑动, 但是逃不掉。出门时,唐可儿会用手牵着绳子 末端,就像一个人牵着一只狗。乌鸦吉姆在前 面跑,时不时停下来等会儿。等唐可儿走近了, 他又会继续向前跑,用又尖又低的嗓子叫着 “哇!哇!” 他很快开始明白他归唐可儿所有,他经常 会躺在她的膝盖上,或落在她的肩膀上。 The crow would run all around, as far as the string would let him go; but he couldn't gct away. And when they went out of doors Twinkle held the end of the cord in her hand, as one leads a dog, and Jim Crow would run along in front of her, and then stop and wait. And when she came near he'd run on again, screaming“Caw! Caw!" at the top of his shrill little voice. Hc soon came to know he belonged to Twinkle, and would often lic in her lap or perch upon her shoulder.